Easy to Moderate

Hiking, snowshoeing, possible horseback riding.

I live in a tiny town called Mason. I prefer to travel back roads where the views are unspoiled and the roads a bit uneven. One of those sneaky back roads is Darling Hill. The Greenville side is full of quirky houses filled, I like to imagine, with fascinating people I would like to know. There is a hiking trail sign on the side of the road which I have, for years, thought was someone’s driveway.

I had messed up my foot, so I loaded Ruby and Rusty in the car and went for an explore. To my surprise the sign was not on a driveway but a little dirt road leading to…

a parking lot!
Complete with a trail map!

This lovely gem is courtesy of the Brookwood Ecology center.

A little research led me to Pippin. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/fitchburg/obituary.aspx?n=pippin-traudel-kellogg-roe&pid=171957995

I loved the picture of her. However her Facebook page chilled me. https://m.facebook.com/pippinmemorial

For Pippin’s sake I hope she will appreciate my wanting to share this trail.

As soon as I was able to tread the woods again we were treated to a delight.

The yellow travels down a steep hill to a boggy pond with a delightful stream. If the hill is too steep, the blue trail veers off on the ridge and eventually joins the yellow.

So a few trees, you know I love trees, before crossing the road to the rest of the yellow.
